
Sheet of 21 Gloss Stickers Japanese Art Utagawa Kuniyoshi Nozarashi Gosuke carryimg a long sword

Sheet of 21 Gloss Stickers Japanese Art Utagawa Kuniyoshi Nozarashi Gosuke carryimg a long sword Sheet of 21 gloss photo quality stickers featuring the image shown. Each sticker approximately 6.3 x 3.8 cm Each sticker approximately 6.3 x 3.8 cm Cellophane bagged and packed in a card backed envelope for despatch. Great for school projects…

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Halloween Costume Ideas

Q&A: I have dark-chocolate brown long hair. What (unique) halloween costume ideas will go with it?

Question by hunkidoree: I have dark-chocolate brown long hair. What (unique) halloween costume ideas will go with it? It’s crunch time before halloween, and I need a unique and not usually thought of halloween costume. Any ideas? Best answer: Answer by e hdead prom date!! Give your answer to this question below!

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What roman sword has a hook on the end of the blade? approximately 19 inches long and very sharp double edged.?

by The Armatura Press Question by MIkey D: What roman sword has a hook on the end of the blade? approximately 19 inches long and very sharp double edged.? Best answer: Answer by MookNot sure of a Roman one. What about: Falchion swords are a one-handed, single-edged sword of European origin, whose design is reminiscent…

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Halloween Costume Ideas

What are some sexy Halloween costume ideas for a girl with long curly black hair?

by …love Maegan Question by Brit: What are some sexy Halloween costume ideas for a girl with long curly black hair? I’m going to a Halloween-themed party next weekend (yes i know it’s august) and I can’t think of what to wear. I have really long, thick, curly black hair that would be cool to…

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Medieval News

Hurricane action greatest in a thousand a long time?

Question by Dawei: Hurricane exercise highest in a thousand years? No 1 else posted this so I figured I would. http://reports.bbc.co.united kingdom/2/hello/science/character/8197191.stm http://www.nature.com/character/journal/v460/n7257/entire/nature08219.html “The final decade has observed an common of 17 hurricanes and tropical storms in the Atlantic – previously in the century, 50 percent that range have been recorded. But current levels were…

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Medieval News

Was England a “Christian Nation” when they BANNED all Jews from getting into for 300 a long time ?

by Renzo Ferrante Question by hindutrinity: Was England a “Christian Nation” when they BANNED all Jews from getting into for 300 many years ? Jews had been banned from entering BRITIAN for 300 many years, right up until Oliver Cromwell authorized their return. In the Middle Ages, lending funds with curiosity – usury – was…

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Medieval Clothing