Cool Roman Sword images
Check out these roman sword images:
Bonn: Unidentified legionary infantryman
Image by The Armatura Press
Fragment of the tombstone of an unidentified legionary infantryman from Bonn. General view.
Inv. Nr U196; Éspérandieu 6252
H: 0.84m; W: 0.71m; Th: 0.175m
Bonn: Unidentified legionary infantryman
Image by The Armatura Press
Fragment of the tombstone of an unidentified legionary infantryman from Bonn. Detail of pilum.
Inv. Nr U196; Éspérandieu 6252
H: 0.84m; W: 0.71m; Th: 0.175m
Bonn: Unidentified legionary infantryman
Image by The Armatura Press
Fragment of the tombstone of an unidentified legionary infantryman from Bonn. Detail of pilum.
Inv. Nr U196; Éspérandieu 6252
H: 0.84m; W: 0.71m; Th: 0.175m